Chemical Peel

Reveal more youthful skin by exfoliating away the dead skin cells that leave skin looking dull and aged.

About Chemical Peels

What It Is

Chemical peels are exfoliating solutions that are customized for different skin types and incorporate a variety of active ingredients that work to exfoliate dead skin cells and reveal a new layer of skin. Depending on the depth of the peel, different layers of the skin will be targeted and the peel may be applied differently. Superficial skin peels are applied in layers and left on your skin. They’re not timed and removed like deeper chemical peels. The strength of a superficial peel is controlled by the number of layers applied.

How It Works

A chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to your face to remove damaged skin cells and stimulate a fresher, younger looking complexion. When the dull, damaged surface layer of your skin is removed, new healthier cells grow in its place. 

There are different types of chemical peels that use different types of acids. Some acids are stronger than others, your provider will help you understand the differences and suggest the peel that works best for your skin type and concerns.

What To Expect

On average, a chemical peel can take between 30 to 90 depending on the type of peel and the number of layers being applied. Depending on the strength of your peel, you may feel a warming sensation throughout the application. You can expect little to no downtime for light peels, while medium and deep peels may require a few weeks to recover. You should avoid the sun and any active skin care ingredients (retinol, vitamin c, etc.) until your skin is fully healed.


  • All peels that a medical provider performs require some at-home care. The following table shows you what you can expect.

  • Refreshing or lunchtime peel
    - Healing time: 0-3 days. Skin will be red. After the redness disappears, scaling may develop, which lasts 3 to 7 days.
    - At-home care: Lotion or cream applied until the skin heals, followed by daily use of sunscreen.
    - When to wear makeup: Usually immediately after the peel, but sometimes the next day.
    - Follow-up visit: No. However, 3 to 5 peels may be necessary to give you the desired results. These peels may be repeated every 2 to 5 weeks.

    Medium peel
    - Healing time: 7 to 14 days. Skin will be mild to moderately red and swollen. Swelling worsens for 48 hours. Eyelids may swell. Your skin will feel right and dry, and peels off in 5 to 14 days.
    - At-home care: Apply lotion or cream. Total avoidance of the sun until skin heals.
    - When to wear makeup: After 5 to 7 days, you can wear camouflaging makeup.
    - Follow-up visit: Yes. Follow-up visit required after the procedure.

    Deep peel
    - Healing time: 7-14 days.
    - At-home care: Apply thick moisturizer as directed. Sun avoidance to prevent sunburn and the risk of forming new sunspots. When to wear makeup: At least 14 days before you can apply makeup.
    - Follow-up visit: Yes. Your provider will want to see you 2 weeks after your peel.